Thank you for listening.
Hello dear listener, before we begin, please sit comfortably and just feel your body rising and falling with each in and out breath. Feel your body sitting in space. Listen to your surroundings and realize you’re not searching for the sounds, they are just appearing. Welcome, you are here.
"Here For Now" is musical compost, the result of taking something old and making it new again. Beauty emerging from death and death breathing life anew. This record is created to make you feel; to be able to identify your feelings, not allowing them to overtake or overwhelm you - for you are not those feelings, you are the awareness that is aware of them. With each track, you are gently guided along to help you see through the fog, lift the veil, step out of your mind and realize that you are nothing and everything all at once. By the end of our journey together, I hope you can feel your essential truth - that you are boundless loving awareness. You allow everything to pass through you like clouds in the sky. You are space for the world.
Relax into this feeling, it - like you - is beautiful.
At the end of 2022 I found myself with a collection of eight tracks that all felt half finished yet were scheduled for release. I felt they deserved better and so they went back into the studio with me. For the next few months I used the “finished” pieces as my starting point, I was beginning again. This proved to be the most rewarding writing process I’ve ever experimented with. It pushed me to create worlds I hadn’t explored until now. The end result is like traveling through time, the pieces leaving their fingerprints on each other as they took shape.
The title "Here for Now" is intended to remind us that we truly really are only here for now - for the next journey cannot be known. And it also is meant to bring awareness to the omni-present and often elusive, Now. Being Here for Now is all we ever have to do. The title is a little piece of string tied around your finger reminding you to come back to Now.
It is recommended you place headphones on and listen while in a darkened and quiet room, though wherever you most prefer to listen is the ideal location. Closing your eyes may result in occasional inner journeying, this is intentional.
Thank you for listening.
TJ Dumser [Six Missing] - synthesizers, pianos, modular synths, guitars, field recordings, effect processing, musical composter, mix engineer.
Mastered by: Heba Kadry, NYC
Original artwork by: Roberta Boffo
“Here for Now” is the debut release from Six Missing on Nettwerk.
Recorded and mixed in various states during the summer months of 2022 and then again during the winter and spring of 2023 at Cabin in the Woods Music, Austin, TX.
Special thanks: Hanna and Nala - my two best friends, Tom and Terri, Kelly and Evan, Kathy and Bill, Maureen + Doggos, Pat and Dick, Phyllis and Bernie, Jeremy and Courtney, and too many others. My friends and family, you mean so much to me - thank you for all the texts and messages, rough mix checking, and brainstorming. Additional thanks: Switched On Austin, Street Legal Guitars, Rosen Sound, and the many talented builders and creators who share their gift with the world in the form of musical instruments. Moog Music has had a profound impact on the sonic direction of this record, thank you Bob. Thank you Robert for the encouragement. And thank you to Brady and the entire Nettwerk gang, your support has meant the world to me.
Finally, thank you to seasonal depression for the spurts of manic creative energy, I could not have done this without you.
© 2023 Six Missing LLC under exclusive license to Nettwerk Music Group Inc.